主题 : 心里记住Remembering in the Heart
作为修行者,最大的承诺就是为救度一切父母有情证悟大觉果位而精进修行。一旦出现懈怠,说明我 ..
级别: 至尊会员
UID: 384370
精华: 0
发帖: 2512
威望: 2004 点
金钱: 20548 RMB
贡献值: 0 点
好评度: 0 点
在线时间: 6657(时)
注册时间: 2023-09-18
最后登录: 2024-07-03
楼主  发表于: 2024-01-16 19:59

0 心里记住Remembering in the Heart

有人说,我从不杀生,一个也没杀过。我说这不可能! 如果自己杀生了,心里面要好好记住。
Some people say,“I never killed a life, not evenone”. I say this is impossible!If you have killed a life,you must remember it well in your heart.

Now you may think that we monastics do not kill lives. However, we do. Some may find this puzzling and ask: “How can monastics kill lives?” When we walk, we may inadvertently harm sentient beings like trampling insects with inattentiveness. However, it’s not intentional killing, and the karmic consequences are relatively light. Many people don’t understand the law of cause and effect. For example, some intentionally order dishes that involve killing in restaurants or buy live fish to kill at home. Such intentional killing incurs heavy karmic consequences. We need to constantly repent and cultivate merits to dedicate it to these sentient beings.
  I often think about this matter. How many kilometers have I driven in my car this year? Along the way, I don’t know how many insects I have inadvertently killed. Even though I couldn’t count all of them, I must generate the bodhi mind, repent, chant sutras and dedicate merits to them. When requesting a monastery to recite sutras, I specially write ‘Repentance for negative karma created while driving’.
   In short, we can’t let them go. We must remember these sentient beings in our heart and strive diligently.
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